Putnam City's CAST program brings collaboration
The Chamber's Community Engagement Team is excited to offer our members a new way to give back that lets businesses serve on their own schedule with projects they care about.
CAST - Communities and Schools Together is a program created by the Putnam City Schools Foundation. With CAST, a PCF Coordinator is in contact with the schools identifying needs and then communicating those needs with groups like ours, so that we can engage easily and serve in ways that are most needed.
As a Community Partner, you can identify a resource you'd like to give or a way you'd like to serve and share it with the liaison. That liaison can then connect you where and when a need in that area arises.
Community Partners may also see profiles of specific schools and their needs, which involve volunteering as a proctor during testing, reading, or providing teacher encouragement and support.
CAST Community Partners will receive recognition from the school, the Putnam City Schools Foundation, and the Chamber, but the largest benefit is the joy of serving the students, educators, and families.
If you are interested in getting involved please email ccantwell@putnamcityschools.org
or call 405-495-5200 xt. 1205
Please let them know you are a part of the Northwest OKC Chamber.
If you're interested in joining the Chamber's Community Engagement Team, please contact the Committee Chairman, Michael T. Jones at MTJones@drtc.org